Opero e vivo in un territorio tutto da scoprire, ricco di risorse naturali, valori umani radicati e vissuti, che voglio trasmettere attraverso il mio lavoro e la mia esperienza ventennale nel settore immobiliare quale sicuro riferimento per chi cerca la stupenda architettura delle nostre montagne.
Assicuro professionalità, fiducia ed affidabilità in tutti i seguenti servizi :
-mediazioni immobiliari
-valutazioni immobiliari
-ricerche e consulenze ipo-catastali
-assistenze notarili
I work and live in a territory to be discovered, rich in natural resources, deep-rooted and lived human values, which I want to convey through my work and my twenty years of experience in the real estate sector as a sure reference for those looking for the wonderful architecture of our mountains.
I assure professionalism, trust and reliability in all the following services:
- real estate brokerage
- real estate valuations
- hypo-cadastral research and consultancy
- notary assistance
I also offer the customer support from industry professionals for any technical and cadastral services required to complete a real estate transaction.