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  • Home Sud Home Real Estate
    Home Sud Home Real Estate
    • Asociado Fimaa

    Via Fazello 228 96017 - Noto

    659 anuncios

    Home Sud Home REAL ESTATE is able to respond to any request concerning the search for a building plot, a rural building to be restored, a villa with a swimming pool to be built, a farm or a farmhouse to be restored. The company operates in Sicily: especially in the countryside, along the coasts and in the historical centers of the territory that goes from the province of Ragusa to Syracuse, offering advice and services related to building concessions, bureaucratic practices, design, construction, works management, interior and exterior decoration, green care , maintenance of swimming pools and gardens. Until the turnkey delivery of the villa. High quality work and service, safe and guaranteed, thanks to the solid experience gained in the prestigious construction sector. A HOME IN SICILY A REALIZABLE DREAM Home Sud Home REAL ESTATE offers the best buying opportunities and selects the most appropriate solutions. With the real estate agency Home South Home real estate to search and choose a land; build or renovate a house, a historic building and an old farmhouse; furnishing and managing a prestigious villa are not only "good intentions" but concrete and achievable actions, in complete tranquility. With a solid know-how and decades of experience in the construction industry, thanks to a network of proven and quality partners, Home Sud Home is able to carefully develop all the phases of the project: from the first sketches of the design up to the management and maintenance of the work. With HSH you will enjoy the benefits of a cohesive and cutting-edge professional team. We are able to meet all your needs, solve problems with competence and professionalism. Within HSH technicians, engineers, architects to get the best result, without surprises.

  • RE/MAX Platinum 6
    RE/MAX Platinum 6
    • En desde hace 1 año
    532 anuncios
  • COLDWELL BANKER Maxi Real Estate
    COLDWELL BANKER Maxi Real Estate

    Corso Umberto I 31 97015 - Modica

    444 anuncios
    • Asociado Fiaip
    • En desde hace 3 años

    Via Tasso 5/5 97015 - Modica

    432 anuncios

    Giovani ma con esperienze significative alle spalle e soprattutto pieni di energia positiva. Siamo cresciuti in modo esponenziale grazie alla fiducia dei nostri clienti, operiamo in modo innovativo nel mercato immobiliare e queste sono le ragioni per scegliere di affidarsi a noi. Mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri clienti tutte le nostre competenze relazionali e know how. Abbiamo un management efficace e di successo che, grazie alla profonda conoscenza del settore, è stato in grado di codificare e standardizzare i processi che vanno dalla valutazione dell’immobile alla gestione della vendita e post vendita. Scegliamo di lavorare solo con incarichi in esclusiva per garantire ai nostri clienti trasparenza ed efficienza e per consentirci di fare significativi investimenti di marketing sul prodotto.

  • Mondialcasa Immobiliare
    Mondialcasa Immobiliare

    Via Torino 5 96018 - Pachino

    362 anuncios

    Mondialcasa - il Network Immobiliare - Agenzie immobiliari e immobiliare Professionisti nell'intermediazione, compravendita case, terreni e locali commerciali, mutui e perizie; Affitti appartamenti,ville al mare,capannoni, casa vacanze,case vacanza,B&B,Agriturismo,Agriturismi Opera nella Sicilia sud est: Siracusa Pachino Noto Portopalo di capo passero Avola Palazzolo A Rosolini Marzamemi Calabernardo Fontane Bianche Arenella e tutto il val di Noto

  • Think Tank Realtor
    Think Tank Realtor
    • En desde hace 3 años

    Via Antioco 10 96100 - Siracusa

    331 anuncios

    *Bienvenue à un groupe de réflexion d'agent immobilier : La nouvelle frontière de l'immobilier* Dans un monde en constante évolution, l’immobilier ne peut pas rester statique. Il est temps d'accepter le changement, d'adopter de nouvelles perspectives et de transformer notre façon de concevoir l'immobilier. Think Tank Realtor représente une évolution radicale dans l’approche de l’immobilier. Ce n'est pas seulement une affaire de vente ; il s'agit de comprendre en profondeur les besoins des clients, d'analyser intelligemment le marché et de proposer des solutions innovantes qui dépassent les attentes. Notre équipe d'experts ne se contente pas de suivre les tendances de l'industrie, elle les anticipe. Grâce à une combinaison d’analyse approfondie, de créativité et de pensée critique, nous sommes en mesure d’identifier des opportunités uniques et de créer de la valeur ajoutée pour nos clients. Nous nous engageons à être à l’avant-garde des technologies émergentes et des meilleures pratiques. Nous utilisons l'intelligence artificielle, l'analyse du big data et les plateformes numériques pour optimiser chaque étape du processus immobilier, de l'acquisition à la vente. Mais ce n’est pas seulement une question de technologie. Au centre de tout se trouve l’humanité. Nous nous engageons à construire des relations authentiques avec nos clients, à comprendre leurs besoins et à les guider à chaque étape du parcours immobilier avec professionnalisme et empathie. Think Tank Realtor est plus qu'une simple agence immobilière. Il s'agit d'une communauté de penseurs visionnaires, prêts à remettre en question le statu quo et à redéfinir l'avenir de l'immobilier. Rejoignez-nous et découvrez une nouvelle dimension de l'immobilier, où les possibilités sont illimitées et les résultats extraordinaires.

  • Agenzia Italia Immobiliare S.R.L.S.
    Agenzia Italia Immobiliare S.R.L.S.

    Piazza Libertà 9 97015 - Modica

    327 anuncios
  • Oikos Srls Unipersonale
    Oikos Srls Unipersonale
    • Asociado Fiaip

    Via Napoli 37/39 96017 - Noto

    273 anuncios

    In un suggestivo panorama di chiese monumentali barocche e palazzi dalla bellezza quasi inesprimibile nasce la OIKOS Immobiliare. Agenzia di intermediazione immobiliare e sviluppo turistico, la OIKOS basa il suo operato su tecnologiche ricerche ed innovative proposte. Avvalendosi di professionisti attenti alla qualità del servizio consente alla clientela di scegliere fra un ventaglio di vantaggiose offerte garantendo massima sicurezza e affidabilità.

  • Millevani Immobiliare
    Millevani Immobiliare Vittorio Veneto 119 97016 - Pozzallo

    230 anuncios

    L'agenzia Millevani Immobiliare opera con successo, nel settore della compravendita e locazione di immobili. La nostra agenzia è presenti su tutto il territorio siciliano. La professionalità e la cortesia sono i nostri strumenti più importanti oltre alla profonda conoscenza del mercato immobiliare.

  • House & Villas Real Estate
    House & Villas Real Estate
    • Asociado Fiaip
    • En desde hace 4 años

    Via Beppe Montana 26 96012 - Avola

    200 anuncios

    House & Villas is an agency operating in the tourism / real estate sector active throughout the Sicilian territory. Our mission is to be a reference point for all those who intend to buy a property in Sicily or stay at the best accommodation facilities. We carefully select our partners to guarantee the best housing solutions, from apartments to villas with swimming pools. In the Real Estate sector we offer our customers a set of services able to meet all the needs of buyers and sellers thanks to a network of professionals able to respond clearly and efficiently to all the problems that arise, creating a relationship of extreme confidence. In the Rentals sector we offer 24-hour assistance services for our customers, as well as extra services such as transfers to and from the airport, luggage storage services, babysitting, chefs. In the experience sector we offer: guided tours in the main cities, boat excursions with or without skipper, food and wine tours and much more.