Orte - In the countryside of Orte we offer for sale an old farmhouse with land. The main building consists of: entrance, large living room with kitchenette, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. tavern and cellar dug into the rock. land of 6000 square meters.
Bonifazi Agency of Orte Via le piane 7 / a Orte 0761/493445 0761/490028 Of ancient origins, Orte (Horta, Hortae, of uncertain etymology) is probably one of the cities that made up the Etruscan federation. Orte, located just upstream of the confluence of the Nera with the Tiber, already an important river port ("Ex Tuscis frumentum Tiberi venit: eo sustentata est plebs", Livio, Lib. II), became the vital center of the Roman road communication network with the construction of the Via Amerina, in 241-240 BC, following the capture of Falerii and the stabilization of the Roman dominion north of Veio. Orte constitutes, since then and up to the 16th century, when at the behest of Pope Sixtus V Peretti the bridge over the Via Flaminia (Ponte Felice) was rebuilt, the crossing point of the Tiber north of Rome. The bridge, first wooden, was replaced by a masonry bridge in the imperial age (so-called "Augustus Bridge", whose substructures can still be admired along the river to the north-west of the cliff). Underground garden Suggestive is the visit of the tunnels that made up the ancient pre-Roman aqueduct, with fountains, cisterns and wells dug into the tuff base. Other underground peculiarities are the dovecotes obtained in the wall overlooking the Tiber valley and the well for the conservation of snow, where the medicines of the local hospital were kept. Of ancient origins, Orte (Horta, Hortae, of uncertain etymology) is probably one of the cities that made up the Etruscan federation. Orte, located just upstream of the confluence of the Nera with the Tiber, already an important river port ("Ex Tuscis frumentum Tiberi venit: eo sustentata est plebs", Livio, Lib. II), became the vital center of the Roman road communication network with the construction of the Via Amerina, in 241-240 BC, following the capture of Falerii and the stabilization of the Roman dominion north of Veio. Bonifazi Agency of Orte Via le piane 7 / a Orte 0761/493445 0761/490028 Of ancient origins, Orte (Horta, Hortae, of uncertain etymology) is probably one of the cities that made up the Etruscan federation. Orte, located just upstream of the confluence of the Nera with the Tiber, already an important river port ("Ex Tuscis frumentum Tiberi venit: eo sustentata est plebs", Livio, Lib. II), became the vital center of the Roman road communication network with the construction of the Via Amerina, in 241-240 BC, following the capture of Falerii and the stabilization of Roman rule