Industrial/craft complex located km from the industrial area of Trestina in the direction of Morra, consisting of various buildings built in different eras in which wood is transformed into raw material (in strips of a few centimeters thick called "frize") for the creation of products consisting of parquet of various types, both solid and pre-finished. The entire compendium is spread over a cadastral area of approximately 45,000 square meters
All the properties of the complex are cadastral identified in the Cadastre of the Municipality of Città di Castello as follows:
Land Registry Sheet 291:
• Parcel 94, sub. 3, p.T - Category D/1 - R.C. € 107.42
• Parcel 94, sub. 5, p.T - Category C/6, sqm. 16, R.C. € 30.57
• Parcel 94, sub. 8, p.T-1-2 - Category D/7 - R.C. € 155,724.00
• Particle 562, p. S2-S1-T - Category D/7 - R.C. € 18,476.00 Land Registry:
• Parcel 94 of 25,010 square meters, corresponding to the entire covered and uncovered area of the various subordinates identified in the Tax Code;
• Parcel 562 of 19,813 square meters, corresponding to the entire covered and uncovered area of the various subordinates identified in the Tax Code;
• Parcel 549, of 476 square meters;
• Parcel 547, of 46 square meters;
• Parcel 115, parcel 137 Arborated arable land, consisting of a road wreck of a total of 70 square meters
a) Office furniture and equipment;
b) Completion equipment;
c) Automated warehouse;
d) Plant and machinery;
e) Inventories of spare parts;
f) Software;
g) Cars
At the moment the company has entered into the following contracts: a) Subordinate employment contracts: n. 38 permanent employment contracts; b) Agency contracts: n. 16 agency contracts.
Articles 2112 of the Italian Civil Code and 47 l. 428/1990. It is therefore specified that the purchaser of the company assumes all legal obligations towards the workers without recourse to the Procedure.
The entire movable and real estate compendium is currently granted in custody and maintenance in efficiency with a deed authenticated by the notary Enzo Paolucci of Perugia on 5.7.2016 rep. 120812, and subject to the consent of the procedural bodies, extended with expiry to 31.12.2022. In this regard, it should be noted that a further extension was requested until 31.12.2023. Upon the award, the liquidator will withdraw from the contract with the obligation to release it by the contractor within sixty days of the communication.
RIGHT OF PRE-EMPLOYMENT: The assignee company has the legal right of pre-emption pursuant to art. 11, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the legislative decree 23 December 2013, n. 145, converted into law 21 February 2014, n. 9.