Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, awarded as "emerging tourist half in the world tourist panorama" by the Europe Business Assembly, gratified with the "Blue Sails" by Legambiente, defined by all as the Capital of the Baroque, Noto is famous among other things also for its Cathedral, the Nicolaci palace, the Oasi di Vendicari nature reserve, its beaches including Calamosche, awarded in 2005 as the most beautiful beach in Italy, ... Starting from 99.000 € with from 252 € per month
A ancient fishing village by the sea, with the pretty little square, the small church on the rock, the typical houses, the marina, and the promenade that leads to the thin sandy beach bathed by the incredibly blue sea.
The Cala Azzurra residences are located right here, overlooking this beach and this sea.
Villas, penthouses and apartments in class A, brand new, with independent entrances, private gardens, sun terraces, arcades that allow tone to live comfortably even outside, because in Sicily when it's not summer it's spring!