In the picturesque High Langhe village of Monesiglio, a large, three-story house overlooking a central village square. The house offers spacious, versatile rooms that need to be restored in order to live up to their considerable potential.
The ground floor features a garage and a store room.
An external staircase leads to the upper floor entrance to the house which on this floor contains a living room, a kitchen, a room and a walk-in closet.
On the top floor there are three bedrooms and a characteristic loggia with arches.
Some of the architectural features present in the house like the cotto floors in some rooms could be restored to maintain the house’s original charm and character.
The square where the house is set, with its cobbled lanes and historic houses, radiates the quintessential atmosphere of an authentic Piemontese village.
With a well-thought-out restoration project this property has the potential to successfully combine historic charm and modern living comfort.