In a very strategic location in the municipality of Casoria, we offer for sale building land of about 5000 meters included between Via Luigia San Felice and Via G. Mameli.
The area, falling under the so-called Modern Residential City zone Br.2.2 of the new master plan of 2021, has a high building potential that is detailed in the illustrative report of the PUC (Riapi), which can be found at the following link:
This property has both commercial and residential potential that is truly unique for the following reasons:
- The location is highly strategic as it is very close to the main transport infrastructures (road, rail, air); close to the center of Casoria and Afragola; a few kilometers from Naples.
- It is located in an area of high urban redevelopment with real estate values destined to grow in the short to medium term.
- It is the only available and undeveloped land in the specific area to exceed 5000sqm, the minimum limit required by the PUC for new building initiatives.
- It is developed on 2 streets, allowing high flexibility in design development and end use.
The following are the salient elements related to the Br2.2 zone reported within the document "Riapi" on pages 71 and 72 (also found in 'art. 8C of the PUC) in which the building characteristics of the same are described:
Intended use: "For the residual undeveloped lots, not constituting appurtenance to other existing property, interventions are allowed for the construction of public services and public use agreed, with the transfer of areas for the construction of primary urbanization works. For residual undeveloped lots, residential function is allowed, only if it is linked to the transfer of incongruous volumes from the historic center. In this case, it will be necessary to provide for the simultaneous recomposition of the undeveloped area in the historic context."
"the intervention provides for land use up to a maximum of Uf=0.70 square meters/sqm, provided that the same ensures self-sufficiency in terms of urban standards. In the case of involvement of areas subject to settlement decompression, in order to comply with the index Uf=1.00 sq m/sq m,
any areas and volumes included in the subdivision located in zones A, Br1, Bp2.r. In any case, the maximum height of new buildings, in compliance with the rules on distances established in the Ruec, is: H=45.0m. At least 60% of the land area shall be permeable."
"Within the territorial zone, different functional destinations are compatible: public services and equipment or public use; residence; artisan; productive-directional; productive-commercial, limited to medium distribution facilities; productive tourist-receptive; for mobility, with reference to the needs of settlement reform of the existing aggregates."